How to REALLY relieve stress (and a response to Rich Men North of Richmond)

December 7, 2023

Are you stressed? I get stressed. But not nearly like I used to.

My perspective has changed...or I should say, it's still changing for the better.

But I think many (if not MOST) people are stressed right now. This stress, I believe, is a big reason why the new song by Oliver Anthony Music Rich Men North of Richmond exploded to the #1 spot on the Billboard Top 100 list.

If you're not familiar with the song, it has certainly struck a nerve with millions of people in recent weeks.

But even though the song throws a lot of punches, it doesn't offer a solution.

So this video is intended for all who may feel overwhelmed by the stresses of life right now. You want to REALLY relieve your stress? This message offers a uniquely better starting point.